
WSGI Middleware

lazr.authentication defines some simple WSGI middleware for protecting resources with different kinds of HTTP authentication.

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> import lazr.authentication
>>> print('VERSION: %s' % lazr.authentication.__version__)


The BasicAuthMiddleware implements HTTP Basic Auth. Its constructor takes a number of arguments, including a callback function that performs the actual authentication. This function returns an object identifying the user who’s trying to authenticate. If the authentication credentials are invalid, it’s supposed to return None.

First, let’s create a really simple WSGI application that responds to any request with a 200 response code.

>>> def sample_application(environ, start_response):
...         start_response('200', [('Content-type','text/plain')])
...         return [b'Success']

Now let’s protect that application. Here’s an authentication callback function.

>>> def authenticate(username, password):
...     """Accepts "user/password", rejects everything else.
...     :return: The username, if the credentials are valid.
...              None, otherwise.
...     """
...     if username == "user" and password == "password":
...         return username
...     return None
>>> print(authenticate("user", "password"))
>>> print(authenticate("notuser", "password"))

Here’s a WSGI application that protects the application using BasicAuthMiddleware.

>>> from lazr.authentication.wsgi import BasicAuthMiddleware
>>> def protected_application():
...     return BasicAuthMiddleware(
...         sample_application, realm="WSGI middleware test",
...         protect_path_pattern=".*protected.*",
...         authenticate_with=authenticate)
>>> import wsgi_intercept
>>> from wsgi_intercept.httplib2_intercept import install
>>> install()
>>> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept(
...     'basictest', 80, protected_application)

Most of the application’s URLs are not protected by the middleware. You can access them without providing credentials.

>>> import httplib2
>>> client = httplib2.Http()
>>> response, body = client.request('http://basictest/')
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> print(body.decode())

Any URL that includes the string “protected” is protected by the middleware, and cannot be accessed without credentials.

>>> response, body = client.request('http://basictest/protected/')
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> print(response['www-authenticate'])
Basic realm="WSGI middleware test"
>>> response, body = client.request(
...     'http://basictest/this-is-protected-as-well/')
>>> print(response['status'])

The check_credentials() implementation given at the beginning of the test will only accept the user/password combination “user”/”password”. Provide a bad username or password and you’ll get a 401.

>>> client.add_credentials("baduser", "baspassword")
>>> response, body = client.request('http://basictest/protected/')
>>> print(response['status'])

Provide the correct credentials and you’ll get a 200, even for the protected URIs.

>>> client.add_credentials("user", "password")
>>> response, body = client.request('http://basictest/protected/')
>>> print(response['status'])


>>> _ = wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept('basictest', 80)


BasicAuthMiddleware instances can be stacked, each instance protecting a different path pattern. Here, we’ll use stacking to protect the two regexes “.*protected.*” and “.*different.*”, without combining them into one complex regex.

>>> def return_user_application(environ, start_response):
...         start_response('200', [('Content-type','text/plain')])
...         return [str(environ['authenticated_user']).encode('utf-8')]
>>> def protected_application():
...     protected = BasicAuthMiddleware(
...         return_user_application, realm="WSGI middleware test",
...         protect_path_pattern=".*protected.*",
...         authenticate_with=authenticate)
...     return BasicAuthMiddleware(
...         protected, realm="Another middleware",
...         protect_path_pattern=".*different.*",
...         authenticate_with=authenticate)


>>> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept(
...     'stacked', 80, protected_application)
>>> client = httplib2.Http()

Both path patterns are protected:

>>> response, body = client.request('http://stacked/protected')
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> response, body = client.request('http://stacked/different')
>>> print(response['status'])

Both path patterns control respond to the same credentials.

>>> client.add_credentials("user", "password")
>>> response, body = client.request('http://stacked/protected-resource')
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> print(body.decode())
>>> response, body = client.request('http://stacked/different-resource')
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> print(body.decode())
>>> _ = wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept('stacked', 80)


The OAuthMiddleware implements section 7 (“Accessing Protected Resources”) of the OAuth specification. That is, it makes sure that incoming consumer keys and access tokens pass some application-defined test. It does not help you serve request tokens or exchange a request token for an access token.

We’ll use OAuthMiddleware to protect the same simple application we protected earlier with BasicAuthMiddleware. But since we’re using OAuth, we’ll be checking a consumer key and access token, instead of a username and password.

>>> from oauth.oauth import OAuthConsumer, OAuthToken
>>> valid_consumer = OAuthConsumer("consumer", '')
>>> valid_token = OAuthToken("token", "secret")
>>> def authenticate(consumer, token, parameters):
...     """Accepts the valid consumer and token, rejects everything else.
...     :return: The consumer, if the credentials are valid.
...              None, otherwise.
...     """
...     if consumer == valid_consumer and token == valid_token:
...         return consumer
...     return None
>>> print(authenticate(valid_consumer, valid_token, None).key)
>>> invalid_consumer = OAuthConsumer("other consumer", '')
>>> print(authenticate(invalid_consumer, valid_token, None))

To test the OAuthMiddleware’s security features, we’ll also need to create a data store. In a real application the data store would probably be a database containing the registered consumer keys and tokens. We’re using a simple data store designed for testing, and telling it about the one valid consumer and token.

>>> from lazr.authentication.testing.oauth import SimpleOAuthDataStore
>>> data_store = SimpleOAuthDataStore(
...     {valid_consumer.key : valid_consumer},
...     {valid_token.key : valid_token})
>>> print(data_store.lookup_consumer("consumer").key)
>>> print(data_store.lookup_consumer("badconsumer"))

The data store tracks the use of OAuth nonces. If you call the data store’s lookup_nonce() twice with the same values, the first call will return False and the second call will return True.

>>> print(data_store.lookup_nonce("consumer", "token", "nonce"))
>>> print(data_store.lookup_nonce("consumer", "token", "nonce"))
>>> print(data_store.lookup_nonce("newconsumer", "token", "nonce"))

Now let’s protect an application with lazr.authenticate’s OAuthMiddleware, using our authentication technique and our simple data store.

>>> from lazr.authentication.wsgi import OAuthMiddleware
>>> def protected_application():
...     return OAuthMiddleware(
...         sample_application, realm="OAuth test",
...         authenticate_with=authenticate, data_store=data_store)
>>> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept(
...     'oauthtest', 80, protected_application)
>>> client = httplib2.Http()

A properly signed request will go through to the underlying WSGI application.

>>> from oauth.oauth import (
...     OAuthRequest, OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT)
>>> def sign_request(url, consumer=valid_consumer, token=valid_token):
...     request = OAuthRequest().from_consumer_and_token(
...         consumer, token, http_url=url)
...     request.sign_request(
...         OAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT(), consumer, token)
...     headers = request.to_header('OAuth test')
...     return headers
>>> url = 'http://oauthtest/'
>>> headers = sign_request(url)
>>> response, body = client.request(url, headers=headers)
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> print(body.decode())

If you replay a signed HTTP request that worked the first time, it will fail the second time, because you’ll be sending a nonce that was already used.

>>> response, body = client.request(url, headers=headers)
>>> print(response['status'])

An unsigned request will fail.

>>> response, body = client.request('http://oauthtest/')
>>> print(response['status'])
>>> print(response['www-authenticate'])
OAuth realm="OAuth test"

A request signed with invalid credentials will fail.

>>> bad_token = OAuthToken("token", "badsecret")
>>> headers = sign_request(url, token=bad_token)
>>> response, body = client.request(url, headers=headers)
>>> print(response['status'])


>>> _ = wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept('oauthtest', 80)